What I Learned at Work This Week: Timing a Method with Object Oriented PrinciplesThis week, I was tasked with investigating a latency issue with one of my team’s services. We use Datadog to chart the amount of time it…5d ago5d ago
What I Learned at Work this Week: Python patch and pytest fixtureMy manager knows that I’m more comfortable working on Python than Java. So when I closed my last ticket of the sprint on a Thursday, he…Jan 12Jan 12
What I Learned at Work this Week: File Signatures and Hexadecimal EncodingLoyal readers know that I’ve done a lot of work on a product that generates reports in a CSV format and sends them to an SFTP. But my team…Dec 8, 2024Dec 8, 2024
What I Learned at Work this Week: Guava CacheThis week, I was on-call at work and I got paged a bunch. One of my pages was for a service that received an overload of requests and…Oct 19, 2024Oct 19, 2024
What I Learned at Work this Week: UTF-16 LE with BOMI was investigating an error with a service that parses a CSV file. The job failed to complete and, when I reviewed the logs, nearly every…Sep 14, 2024Sep 14, 2024
What I Learned at Work this Week: A Nullable Option in a Java RecordWe’ve been working on developing a new API, which means we’re receiving and transforming lots of different types of data. I’ve started to…Jul 27, 20244Jul 27, 20244
What I Learned at Work last Week: Java EnumsMy team has been working on updating a legacy product to make its UI more feature-rich, reliable, and easier to use. This product accepts…Jul 6, 2024Jul 6, 2024
What I Learned at Work this Week: Test-Driven Development“Test-driven development” was one of the first terms I learned when I first entered bootcamp at the end of 2019. Our lessons would always…Jun 15, 2024Jun 15, 2024
What I Learned at Work this Week: MySQL Table Building TipsSQL is one of the few frameworks where I feel confident in the code I’m writing. Whether it’s the wrong JOIN type, a GROUP BY column not…May 12, 2024May 12, 2024
What I Learned at Work this Week: Giving Hikari a Local DataSourceIt was a very big moment for me at work. Those who read last week’s post know that I was able to get an Integration Test working and, since…Apr 14, 2024Apr 14, 2024